다음주 목요일 130쪽 부터 수업
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암호: 107461
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1. influence | __________________________ |
2. contact | __________________________ |
3. sweep | __________________________ |
4. aspect | __________________________ |
5. promote | __________________________ |
6. trigger | __________________________ |
7. contract | __________________________ |
8. potential | __________________________ |
9. colony | __________________________ |
10. dominant | __________________________ |
11. imitate | __________________________ |
12. council | __________________________ |
13. hesitate | __________________________ |
14. admission | __________________________ |
15. leak | __________________________ |
16. holy | __________________________ |
17. accordingly | __________________________ |
18. broaden | __________________________ |
19. leisurely | __________________________ |
20. secondhand | __________________________ |
21. shiver | __________________________ |
22. disposal | __________________________ |
23. toxic | __________________________ |
24. painkiller | __________________________ |
25. vicious | __________________________ |
26. formidable | __________________________ |
27. testimony | __________________________ |
28. misunderstand | __________________________ |
29. collide | __________________________ |
30. viewpoint | __________________________ |
31. equate | __________________________ |
32. lodge | __________________________ |
33. skeleton | __________________________ |
34. shipment | __________________________ |
35. compelling | __________________________ |
36. haunting | __________________________ |
37. thrust | __________________________ |
38. constrain | __________________________ |
39. cynical | __________________________ |
40. incessant | __________________________ |
41. accept | __________________________ |
42. direct | __________________________ |
43. assume | __________________________ |
44. objective | __________________________ |
45. relieve | __________________________ |
46. reserve | __________________________ |
47. neighborhood | __________________________ |
48. flat | __________________________ |
49. stroke | __________________________ |
50. notion | __________________________ |
51. illusion | __________________________ |
52. subtle | __________________________ |
53. trace | __________________________ |
54. subjective | __________________________ |
55. elect | __________________________ |
56. investigate | __________________________ |
57. adolescent | __________________________ |
58. nationwide | __________________________ |
59. torch | __________________________ |
60. coherent | __________________________ |
61. anthropology | __________________________ |
62. rob | __________________________ |
63. slave | __________________________ |
64. sacred | __________________________ |
65. oblige | __________________________ |
66. geology | __________________________ |
67. orbit | __________________________ |
68. subsidy | __________________________ |
69. evade | __________________________ |
70. sympathy | __________________________ |
71. condense | __________________________ |
72. foresee | __________________________ |
73. fraud | __________________________ |
74. comply | __________________________ |
75. confidential | __________________________ |
76. dreary | __________________________ |
77. enlist | __________________________ |
78. dignity | __________________________ |
79. spectacle | __________________________ |
80. foremost | __________________________ |
81. subject | __________________________ |
82. insight | __________________________ |
83. career | __________________________ |
84. progress | __________________________ |
85. manage | __________________________ |
86. predict | __________________________ |
87. scale | __________________________ |
88. economic | __________________________ |
89. attach | __________________________ |
90. electric | __________________________ |
91. convenience | __________________________ |
92. launch | __________________________ |
93. elaborate | __________________________ |
94. irritated | __________________________ |
95. illustrate | __________________________ |
96. exclude | __________________________ |
97. fatal | __________________________ |
98. disability | __________________________ |
99. selfish | __________________________ |
100. affair | __________________________ |
101. disrupt | __________________________ |
102. primate | __________________________ |
103. subscribe | __________________________ |
104. namely | __________________________ |
105. linger | __________________________ |
106. frost | __________________________ |
107. rotate | __________________________ |
108. casualty | __________________________ |
109. sip | __________________________ |
110. timely | __________________________ |
111. integrity | __________________________ |
112. envision | __________________________ |
113. vocation | __________________________ |
114. apparatus | __________________________ |
115. demoralize | __________________________ |
116. discredit | __________________________ |
117. adore | __________________________ |
118. esteem | __________________________ |
119. symmetry | __________________________ |
120. excursion | __________________________ |
01 | Mary는 그녀의 휴대폰 배터리가 더 오래 지속되길 바란다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
02 | 만약 내가 길에서 지갑을 발견한다면, 나는 그것의 주인을 찾을 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |
03 | 마치 그의 책상이 결코 청소된 적이 없었던 것처럼 보인다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
04 | 만약 네가 질문을 했더라면, 너는 답을 알게 될 수 있었을 텐데 → ____________________________________________________________ |
05 | Jonathan은 그의 동네에 큰 공원이 있길 바란다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
06 | 만약 손전등이 없다면, 우리는 밤에 숲 속에서 길을 잃을 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |
07 | 만약 Mia에게 또 다른 기회가 주어진다면, 그녀는 정확히 반대되는 일을 할 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |
08 | Kaylee는 그녀의 기말 레포트를 위해 익숙한 주제를 골랐길 바란다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
09 | Eric은 마치 다른 사람들의 의견에 대해 전혀 상관하지 않는 것처럼 행동한다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
10 | Nora는 그녀가 집에 있는 것 대신에 여행을 갔길 바란다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
11 | 만약 약간의 행운이 없었더라면, 만점을 받으려는 Michael의 계획은 실패할 수도 있었을 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |
12 | Grace는 마치 빨래를 하는 것이 세상에서 가장 힘든 일인 것처럼 말한다. → ____________________________________________________________ |
13 | 만약 그 법안이 통과되었더라면, 그 나라의 상황은 급격하게 변화했을 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |
14 | 만약 내가 그 사고 이후에 상담가를 만나봤더라면, 그것은 트라우마가 되지 않을 수도 있었을 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |
15 | 만약 Anderson씨가 더 젊다면, 복지 제도에 대한 다른 관점을 가질 텐데. → ____________________________________________________________ |