본문 바로가기
카테고리 없음


by PeterL 2025. 2. 6.

Chapter Test

01 나는 또 다른 친구로부터 들었던 농담을 Brian에게 했다.
02 도보 여행자들은 그들이 쉴 수 있는 그늘이 드리워진 곳을 찾고 있었다.
03 인상적인 등장인물들이 이 드라마를 아주 흥미롭게 만드는 것이다.
04 직원들이 직장을 그만두는 주된 이유는 낮은 임금이다.
05 고객들이 작성했던 설문은 서비스의 질에 대해 물었다.
06 작품이 미술관에 전시된 예술가들 중 대부분은 국제적으로 유명하다.
07 대불황은 세계 경제가 위축되었던 시기였다.
08 그 다큐멘터리는 소득 수준이 건강과 관련된 방식을 논한다.
09 경찰은 카메라 영상에 나오는 남자를 잡으려고 노력하고 있다.
10 그 팀은 지난 경기를 졌고, 그것은 그 팀이 선수권 대회에서 겨루지 않을 것이라는 것을 의미한다.
11 Collins씨가 가르치는 학생들은 높은 시험 점수를 달성하는 경향이 있다.
12 니제르는 총인구의 평균 나이가 매우 젊은 국가이다.
13 네가 균형 잡힌 식습관을 가지기 위해 먹어야 하는 것은 도표에 명시되어 있다.
14 수많은 경주에서 이긴 기수와 말이 중요한 시합을 준비하고 있다.
15 계약은 당사자들 둘 다 그들이 책임져야 할 일을 한다는 것을 보장한다.


1. influence __________________________


2. contact __________________________


3. sweep __________________________


4. aspect __________________________


5. promote __________________________


6. trigger __________________________


7. contract __________________________


8. potential __________________________


9. colony __________________________


10. dominant __________________________


11. imitate __________________________


12. council __________________________


13. hesitate __________________________


14. admission __________________________


15. leak __________________________


16. holy __________________________


17. accordingly __________________________


18. broaden __________________________


19. leisurely __________________________


20. secondhand __________________________


21. shiver __________________________


22. disposal __________________________


23. toxic __________________________


24. painkiller __________________________


25. vicious __________________________


26. formidable __________________________


27. testimony __________________________


28. misunderstand __________________________


29. collide __________________________


30. viewpoint __________________________


31. equate __________________________


32. lodge __________________________


33. skeleton __________________________


34. shipment __________________________


35. compelling __________________________


36. haunting __________________________


37. thrust __________________________


38. constrain __________________________


39. cynical __________________________


40. incessant __________________________


41. accept __________________________


42. direct __________________________


43. assume __________________________


44. objective __________________________


45. relieve __________________________


46. reserve __________________________


47. neighborhood __________________________


48. flat __________________________


49. stroke __________________________


50. notion __________________________


51. illusion __________________________


52. subtle __________________________


53. trace __________________________


54. subjective __________________________


55. elect __________________________


56. investigate __________________________


57. adolescent __________________________


58. nationwide __________________________


59. torch __________________________


60. coherent __________________________


61. anthropology __________________________


62. rob __________________________


63. slave __________________________


64. sacred __________________________


65. oblige __________________________


66. geology __________________________


67. orbit __________________________


68. subsidy __________________________


69. evade __________________________


70. sympathy __________________________


71. condense __________________________


72. foresee __________________________


73. fraud __________________________


74. comply __________________________


75. confidential __________________________


76. dreary __________________________


77. enlist __________________________


78. dignity __________________________


79. spectacle __________________________


80. foremost __________________________


81. subject __________________________


82. insight __________________________


83. career __________________________


84. progress __________________________


85. manage __________________________


86. predict __________________________


87. scale __________________________


88. economic __________________________


89. attach __________________________


90. electric __________________________


91. convenience __________________________


92. launch __________________________


93. elaborate __________________________


94. irritated __________________________


95. illustrate __________________________


96. exclude __________________________


97. fatal __________________________


98. disability __________________________


99. selfish __________________________


100. affair __________________________


101. disrupt __________________________


102. primate __________________________


103. subscribe __________________________


104. namely __________________________


105. linger __________________________


106. frost __________________________


107. rotate __________________________


108. casualty __________________________


109. sip __________________________


110. timely __________________________


111. integrity __________________________


112. envision __________________________


113. vocation __________________________


114. apparatus __________________________


115. demoralize __________________________


116. discredit __________________________


117. adore __________________________


118. esteem __________________________


119. symmetry __________________________


120. excursion __________________________


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